CoramBAAF is the UK's leading membership organisation for agencies and individuals dedicated to improving outcomes for children and young people in care.
We share best practice through a wide range of highly respected publications for all those working to improve outcomes for children and young people in care.
We provide expert training in adoption, fostering and kinship care and conferences that tackle the vital issues facing practitioners today.
We influence policy and practice development by working with sector organisations, government departments, policy groups and local and regional agencies.
Parenting a child affected by child to parent violence and aggression
Hedwig Verhagen
Promoting attachment and resilience
Gillian Schofield, Mary Beek
Parenting a child affected by self-harm issues
Dan Hughes
Parenting a child with difficulties in learning caused by trauma
Anne Hurley, Kathleen Grace
Parenting a child with eating and food issues
Jay Vaughan, Alan Burnell
Parenting a child with sleep issues
Jay Vaughan, Alan Burnell
The foster carer’s handbook on parenting teenagers
Henrietta Bond
Parenting a child with dyslexia
Chris Stanway, Lorna Miles
Parenting a child affected by sexual abuse
Biddy Youell
Parenting a child affected by domestic violence
Hedy Clever
Parenting a child who has experienced trauma
Dan Hughes
Managing difficult behaviour
Kathy Blackeby, Caroline Bengo
Parenting a child with, or at risk of, genetic disorders
Peter D Turnpenny
Parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder
Paul Carter
Parenting a child with developmental delay
Pamela Bartram, Sue and Jim Clifford
Parenting a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Brian Jacobs, Lorna Miles
Parenting a child with mental health issues
Catherine Jackson
Parenting a child affected by parental substance misuse
Donald Forrester
Parenting a child with emotional and behavioural difficulties
Dan Hughes
Talking about adoption to your adopted child
Marjorie Morrison
Enhancing adoptive parenting
Alan Rushton, Elizabeth Monck
Is it true you have two mums?
Ruby Clay
More adoption conversations
Renée Wolfs
Adoption conversations
Renée Wolfs
Loving and living with traumatised children
Megan Hirst