CoramBAAF is the UK's leading membership organisation for agencies and individuals dedicated to improving outcomes for children and young people in care.
We share best practice through a wide range of highly respected publications for all those working to improve outcomes for children and young people in care.
We provide expert training in adoption, fostering and kinship care and conferences that tackle the vital issues facing practitioners today.
We influence policy and practice development by working with sector organisations, government departments, policy groups and local and regional agencies.
Where did my Dinosaur go?
Paul Calder, Amelia Goswell
The secure base model
Gillian Schofield, Mary Beek
Access to information for adult care leavers
Julia Feast, Leonie Jordan
The Role of the Supervising Social Worker
Alison Davis
Undertaking a connected person/kinship assessment in Wales
Paul Adams, Amy Shepherd
Things foster carers need to know: Young People and Gangs
Henrietta Bond
Things foster carers need to know: Young People and Radicalisation
Henrietta Bond
Things foster carers need to know: Young People and Self-Harm
Henrietta Bond
Things foster carers need to know: Young People and Sexuality
Henrietta Bond
Things foster carers need to know: Young People and Internet Safety
Henrietta Bond
Managing allegations, concerns and complaints against foster carers
Laura Williams
Effective adoption and fostering panels in Scotland
Marjorie Morrison
Child Care Law Wales
Alexandra Conroy Harris
Devising and updating risk assessment and management plans in fostering
Paul Adams
Parent and child fostering
Elaine Dibben, Paul Adams
The child's legal journey through care (England)
Shefali Shah
Fostering now
Fergus Smith
Undertaking a fostering assessment in Wales
Roger Chapman, Dawn Owen
The foster carer's handbook on health
Nikki Shepherd, Hannah Smith
The foster carer's handbook on education
Sarah Alix, Eileen Fursland
Practice Note 72. Planning the Assessment of a Foster Carer’s New Partner
Paul Adams
Practice Note 71. Writing a Fostering Panel Annual Report
Paul Adams
Practice Note 73. Disabled Foster Carers
Dr Peter Unwin, Becki Meakin
Complying with the GDPR and DPA 2018
Leonie Jordan, Paul Adams
Undertaking checks and references in fostering and adoption assessments
Paul Adams
Undertaking a foster carer review
Paul Adams
Attachment, trauma and resilience
Kate Cairns, Brian Cairns
Effective fostering panels
Sarah Borthwick, Jenifer Lord
Undertaking a connected person family and friends assessment
Paul Adams
The foster carer’s handbook on parenting teenagers
Henrietta Bond