CoramBAAF is the UK's leading membership organisation for agencies and individuals dedicated to improving outcomes for children and young people in care.
We share best practice through a wide range of highly respected publications for all those working to improve outcomes for children and young people in care.
We provide expert training in adoption, fostering and kinship care and conferences that tackle the vital issues facing practitioners today.
We influence policy and practice development by working with sector organisations, government departments, policy groups and local and regional agencies.
Matching children from England with adopters approved in Scotland
Jane Poore, Alexandra Conroy-Harris
Placing children with relatives overseas
Sandra Latter, Cathie Jenkins
Unlawful placements in kinship care
Practice Note 75. Financial Support for Special Guardians (England)
Dr Louise Sims
Practice Note 76. Guidelines for the testing of looked after children and young people at risk of blood-borne infections
Practice Note 72. Planning the Assessment of a Foster Carer’s New Partner
Paul Adams
Practice Note 74. Supporting Special Guardians to make Family Arrangements in the Event of a Health Emergency or Accident: Information for social workers
Leonie Jordan, Dr Louise Sims
Practice Note 71. Writing a Fostering Panel Annual Report
Paul Adams
Practice Note 73. Disabled Foster Carers
Dr Peter Unwin, Becki Meakin
Practice Note 70. The Fostering Decision-Maker (England)
Paul Adams
Practice Note 69. Assessing and supporting transgender foster carers and adopters
Claire Brown, Charlotte Andrew
Practice Note 68. Reducing the risks of environmental tobacco smoke for looked after children and their carers
Karen Lehner, Mary Mather
Practice Note 67. Local authorities' duty of fairness towards a parent seeking to revoke a placement order
Coram Children's Legal Centre, CoramBAAF
Practice Note 64. Best practice in meetings between prospective adopters and children prior to matching
Practice Note 65. Decisions about the assessment of couples and other partnerships in foster care (England)
Practice Note 66. The health of unaccompanied asylum-seeking and other separated children
Practice Note 59. The provision of information to Fostering for Adoption carers
Practice Note 56. Paperless fostering and adoption panels
Practice Note 54. Assessing second-time adopters