Things foster carers need to know: Young People and Radicalisation
Henrietta Bond
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In today’s world, foster carers may have to respond to a wide range of sensitive and difficult issues that their fostered children or young people may encounter. As a carer, you may find these subjects hard to discuss, have little personal experience of them, or not know how best to approach them. This series of informative and accessible pamphlets will enable you to broach sensitive topics, respond to your child’s difficulties, recognise if your child is exposed to problematic situations, and safeguard and support them.
What does radicalisation mean? Are fostered children at greater risk of being radicalised? What attracts young people to extremist ideologies and how can you, as a carer, detect the signs that a child may be being groomed?
Who is this pamphlet for?
This pamphlet will be of great help to both new and experienced foster carers, and those who are looking after both children and young people. Social workers may also find the information useful.