Effective adoption and fostering panels in Scotland - APPENDICES

Effective adoption and fostering panels in Scotland - APPENDICES

Marjorie Morrison


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The Effective Adoption and Fostering Panels in Scotland  guide includes a range of forms and job descriptions that are specially designed to be used in the work of panels. The forms are available as appendices in the book, but can also be purchased as electronic Word templates for unlimited future use by agencies and social work professionals.

In 2020, these were revised and updated to form a new, expanded forms package. This package now includes more forms than are available as appendices in the printed book (and supersedes the original electronic forms package). The package - which provides practitioners and panel members with a range of ready-made resources that they can easily incorporate into their work - consists of over 20 forms and templates including:

  • job descriptions for panel members and panel Chairs;
  • self-evaluation forms, appraisal records, and agreement forms for panel members and panel Chairs;
  • feedback forms for those attending the panel;
  • checklists of additional information to be provided by the agency to panel members;
  • permanence order checklist of issues to consider in a permanence application;
  • framework for undertaking foster carer assessments.


