Exploring and assessing motivations to adopt
Laura Payne
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What motivates applicants is an important part of assessment, as it can be key to future adoption success. But do social workers understand how fertility treatment can affect applicants? Are workers and panel members aware of possible unconscious bias when assessing LGBTQ+ or single applicants? What should workers consider when assessing those wanting to adopt for environmental or religious reasons?
This practice guide will help social workers better understand and assess motivation, by examining four groups: couples who have experienced fertility issues, LGBTQ+ applicants, single applicants, and those for whom adoption is their first choice. It will empower workers to explore various motivations, how they may affect adoption success or need for support, and how to discuss often sensitive subjects with applicants – with an eye to providing thoughtful and analytical assessment. It also explores the key importance of applicants’ expectations of parenthood and how these can affect their adoption journey.